var editor = { altoXB : 1, largoXB : 1, editando : false, lugar : false, mapas : [], config : {}, mapaN : false, scroll : [0, 0], sortDragDrop : { dragDroping : false, mouseX : 0, mouseY : 0, _mouseX : 0, _mouseY : 0, mapaN : 0, nuevaPosicion : 0, objetoClonado : false, divisorTop : 0 }, capa : "cubos", trace : "", scroll : { left : 0, largo : 0, _mouseX : 0, moviendo : false }, herramienta : "mouse", dragDrop : { dragDroping : false, _mouseX : 0, _mouseY : 0, objetoClonado : false, objetoClonado2 : false, tipo : "cubos", objA : false, clonar : false }, grillaX : false, grillaY : false, objetoInfo : "cubosP" }; function cargarEditor(){ get("sombra").style.display = "none"; menuA = false; editor.editando = true; editor.altoXB = altoX; editor.largoXB = largoX; altoX = 1; largoX = 1; get( "contenedor" ).style.display = "none"; get( "contenedorE" ).style.display = "inline"; var p = ""; editor.mapas = []; reconocerMapa(); get( "editorTxt" ).innerHTML = ""; var editorBackLink = " back"; get( "editorTxt" ).innerHTML = escribir( "MAP EDITOR" ).innerHTML + "
(NOT FINISHED YET)" + editorBackLink; get( "mapasTxt" ).innerHTML = ""; get( "mapasTxt" ).appendChild( escribir( "MAPS" ) ); get( "configBoton" ).innerHTML = ""; get( "configBoton" ).appendChild( escribir( "C" ) ); get( "mapasAgregar" ).innerHTML = ""; get( "mapasAgregar" ).appendChild( escribir( "+" ) ); get( "configGeneralTxt" ).appendChild( escribir( "GENERAL SETTINGS" ) ); get( "configGeneralEsc" ).appendChild( escribir( "X" ) ); get( "configFormD1" ).appendChild( escribir( "SCORE" ) ); get( "configFormD3" ).appendChild( escribir( "MONEY" ) ); get( "configFormD5" ).appendChild( escribir( "LIVES" ) ); get( "configFormDone" ).appendChild( escribir( "DONE" ) ); escribirSort(); } function salirEditor(){ // Vuelve al menú principal get("sombra").style.display = "inline"; editor.editando = false; altoX = editor.altoXB; largoX = editor.largoXB; get( "contenedor" ).style.display = "inline"; get( "contenedorE" ).style.display = "none"; cargarMenu(); } function reconocerMapa(){ // Se reconoce los mapas for( x = 0; x < mapas.length; x++ ){ editor.mapas.push( {} ); $ = editor.mapas[x]; var config = mapas[x][0].split( "config:" )[1].split( "," ); // Se reconoce la configuracion del mapa actual ( puede ser el mapa principal o un mapa secundario ) if( x == 0 ){ // Si es mapa actual es el mapa principal $.tipo = Number( config[0] ); editor.config.vidas = Number( config[1] ); editor.config.puntos = Number( config[2] ); editor.config.monedas = Number( config[3] ); $.nombre = config[4]; $.tiempo = Number( config[5] ); $.largo = Number( config[6] ); $.tuneles = []; $.posiciones = []; var posiciones = config.slice( 7, config.length ); for( n = 0; n < posiciones.length; n += 2 ){ $.posiciones.push( [ Number( posiciones[n] ), Number( posiciones[n + 1] ) ] ); } } else{ // Si es mapa actual es un mapa secundario $.tipo = Number( config[0] ); $.nombre = config[1]; $.tiempo = Number( config[2] ); $.largo = Number( config[3] ); $.tuneles = []; $.posiciones = []; var posiciones = config.slice( 4, config.length ); for( n = 0; n < posiciones.length; n += 2 ){ $.posiciones.push( [ Number( posiciones[n] ), Number( posiciones[n + 1] ) ] ); } } // El mapa tiene un array de cubos, un array de bichos y un array de figuras de fondo $.cubos = []; $.bichos = []; $.figuras = []; // Se reconoce cada objeto y se lo ubica en uno de los tres arrays for( e = 1; e < mapas[x].length; e++ ){ var split = mapas[x][e].split( "," ); if( !( split[0] == "9" && split[3] == "10" ) ){ var $$ = {}; /* Si el objeto es un cubo del piso, un signo de preguntas, un cubo rompible, una moneda, un tubo, la bandera final o un barra se lo coloca en el array de cubos Si el objeto es un bicho comun o una tortuga se lo coloca en el array de bichos Si el objeto es una figura de fondo se lo coloca en el array de figuras */ switch( split[0] ){ case "1": case "2": case "3": case "4": case "5": case "8": case "10": case "11": $.cubos.push( $$ ); break; case "6": case "7": $.bichos.push( $$ ); break; case "9": $.figuras.push( $$ ); break; } reconocerObjeto( $$, split ); } } } // Se reconoce los tuneles for( x in tuneles ){ var config = tuneles[x][0].split( "config:" )[1].split( "," ); var $ = {}; if( editor.mapas[config[2]].tipo == 2 && !!Number( config[1] ) ){ $ = editor.mapas[config[2]]; } else{ editor.mapas[config[2]].tuneles.push( $ ); $.nombre = x; $.camara = !!Number( config[1] ); } $.largo = Number( config[0] ); $.posiciones = []; var posiciones = config.slice( 3, config.length ); for( n = 0; n < posiciones.length; n += 2 ){ $.posiciones.push( [ Number( posiciones[n] ), Number( posiciones[n + 1] ) ] ); } $.cubos = []; $.bichos = []; $.figuras = []; for( m in tuneles[x] ){ var split = tuneles[x][m].split( "," ); if( !( split[0] == "9" && split[3] == "10" ) ){ var $$ = {}; switch( split[0] ){ case "1": case "2": case "3": case "4": case "5": case "8": case "10": case "11": $.cubos.push( $$ ); break; case "6": case "7": $.bichos.push( $$ ); break; case "9": $.figuras.push( $$ ); break; } reconocerObjeto( $$, split ); } } } } function reconocerObjeto( $$, split ){ /* Pasa todos la informacion que contiene split a un objeto ( el que se coloco en un array anteriormente ) El tipo de objeto puede ser: * cubosP: un cubo del piso * left * top * cuboP2: el segundo tipo de cubos de piso * left * top * signo: un signo de prgunta * left * top * drop * invisible * puntos * tiempo * rompible: un cubo rompible * left * top * drop * invisible * puntos * tiempo * moneda: una moneda * left * top * puntos * bicho: un bicho comun * left * top * puntos * tortuga: una tortuga * left * top * tipoT * puntos * tubo: un tubo * left * top * alto * tipoT * bicho * id * link * figura: una figura de fondo * left * top * tipoT * bandera: la bandera final * left * top * barra: una barra de las que suben o bajan * left * direccion */ switch( split[0] ){ case "1": $$.tipo = "cubosP"; $$.left = Number( split[1] ); $$.top = Number( split[2] ); $$.height = 32; $$.width = 32; $$.src = "imgs/cuadraditos/cubo_piso.gif"; $$.src2 = "imgs/cuadraditosTunel/cubo_piso.gif"; break; case "2": $$.tipo = "cubosP2"; $$.left = Number( split[1] ); $$.top = Number( split[2] ); $$.height = 32; $$.width = 32; $$.src = "imgs/cuadraditos/cubo_escalera.gif"; $$.src2 = "imgs/cuadraditosTunel/cubo_escalera.gif"; break; case "3": $$.tipo = "signo"; $$.left = Number( split[1] ); $$.top = Number( split[2] ); $$.drop = Number( split[3] ); $$.invisible = Number( split[4] ); $$.puntos = Number( split[5] ); $$.tiempo = Number( split[6] ) ? Number( split[6] ) : 0; $$.height = 32; $$.width = 32; $$.src = "imgs/cuadraditos/signo.gif"; $$.src2 = "imgs/cuadraditosTunel/signo.gif"; break; case "4": $$.tipo = "rompible"; $$.left = Number( split[1] ); $$.top = Number( split[2] ); $$.drop = Number( split[3] ); $$.invisible = Number( split[4] ); $$.puntos = Number( split[5] ); $$.tiempo = Number( split[6] ) ? Number( split[6] ) : 0; $$.height = 32; $$.width = 32; $$.src = "imgs/cuadraditos/cubo_rompible.gif"; $$.src2 = "imgs/cuadraditosTunel/cubo_rompible.gif"; break; case "5": $$.tipo = "moneda"; $$.left = Number( split[1] ); $$.top = Number( split[2] ); $$.puntos = Number( split[3] ); $$.height = 32; $$.width = 32; $$.src = "imgs/cuadraditos/moneda.gif"; $$.src2 = $$.src; break; case "6": $$.tipo = "bicho"; $$.left = Number( split[1] ); $$.top = Number( split[2] ); $$.puntos = Number( split[3] ); $$.height = 32; $$.width = 32; $$.src = "imgs/bichos/bicho.gif"; $$.src2 = "imgs/bichosTunel/bicho.gif"; break; case "7": $$.tipo = "tortuga"; $$.left = Number( split[1] ); $$.top = Number( split[2] ); $$.tipoT = Number( split[3] ); $$.puntos = Number( split[4] ); $$.height = 48; $$.width = 32; $$.src = $$.tipoT == 1 ? "imgs/bichos/tortuga_normal_izquierda.gif" : "imgs/bichos/tortuga_2_normal_izquierda.gif"; $$.src2 = $$.tipoT == 1 ? "imgs/bichosTunel/tortuga_normal_izquierda.gif" : "imgs/bichos/tortuga_2_normal_izquierda.gif"; break; case "8": $$.tipo = "tubo"; $$.left = Number( split[1] ); $$.top = Number( split[2] ); $$.tipoT = Number( split[3] ); $$.alto = Number( split[4] ); $$.bicho = !!Number( split[5] ); $$.id = Number( split[6] ); $$.link = Number( split[7] ) ? Number( split[6] ) : false; $$.height = $$.alto * 32; $$.width = 64; $$.src = false; $$.src2 = false; break; case "9": $$.tipo = "figura"; $$.left = Number( split[1] ); $$.top = Number( split[2] ); $$.tipoT = Number( split[3] ); $$.height = figurasSize[$$.tipoT - 1][1]; $$.width = figurasSize[$$.tipoT - 1][0]; $$.src = "imgs/figuras/figura" + $$.tipoT + ".gif"; $$.src2 = $$.src; break; case "10": $$.tipo = "bandera"; $$.left = Number( split[1] ) - .5; $$.top = Number( split[2] ) - .5; $$.height = 320; $$.width = 32; $$.src = "imgs/figuras/figura10.gif"; $$.src2 = $$.src; break; case "11": $$.tipo = "barra"; $$.left = Number( split[1] ); $$.top = 1; $$.direccion = !!Number( split[2] ); $$.height = 16; $$.width = 96; $$.src = "imgs/cuadraditos/barra.gif"; $$.src2 = $$.src; break; } } function generarMapaSort( mapaN ){ var $ = editor.mapas[mapaN]; var p = ""; var html = "
"; html += "
"; html += "
"; html += escribir( $.nombre ).innerHTML; html += "
"; html += "
"; html += escribir( "EDIT" ).innerHTML; html += "
"; html += "
"; html += escribir( "DELETTE" ).innerHTML; html += "
"; html += "
"; return html; } function escribirSort(){ editor.lugar = "mapasSort"; var html = ""; for( b = 0; b < editor.mapas.length; b++ ){ html += generarMapaSort( b ); } get( "mapasBox" ).innerHTML = html; var sortDivisor = elemento( "div", { id : "sortDivisor" }, get( "mapasBox" ) ); if( editor.mapas.length > 4 ){ get( "mapasBox" ).style.width = "447px"; } else{ get( "mapasBox" ).style.width = "430px"; } } function borrarMapa( n ){ if( confirm( "Are you sure that you want to delete " + editor.mapas[n].nombre + "?" ) ){ editor.mapas.splice( n, 1 ); escribirSort(); } } function nuevoMapa(){ editor.mapas.push({ tipo : 1, nombre : "NEW MAP", tiempo : 400, largo : 16, tuneles : [], posiciones : [], cubos : [], bichos : [], figuras : [] }); escribirSort(); } function bgcolor( obj, color ){ = color; } function borde( obj, color ){ = color.length ? ( "1px solid " + color ) : "none"; } function padding( obj, n ){ = n + "px 0px 0px " + n + "px"; } editor.aPM = function( e ){ if( document.layers ){ editor.mouseX = e.x; editor.mouseY = e.y; } else if( document.all ){ editor.mouseX = event.clientX; editor.mouseY = event.clientY; } else if( document.getElementById ){ editor.mouseX = e.clientX; editor.mouseY = e.clientY; } editor.mouseX -= ( get( "contenedorE" ).offsetLeft - 255 ); editor.mouseY -= ( get( "contenedorE" ).offsetTop - 225 ); } editor.sortDragDrop.empezar = function( mapaN, e ){ editor.aPM( e ); var $ = editor.sortDragDrop; $._mouseY = editor.mouseY - ( 96 + mapaN * 70 ); $.dragDroping = true; $.mapaN = mapaN; $.nuevaPosicion = mapaN; opacity( "mapaSortN" + mapaN, .7 ); objetoClonado = get( "mapaSortN" + mapaN ).cloneNode( true ); opacity( "mapaSortN" + mapaN, 1 ); get( "mapasBox" ).appendChild( objetoClonado ); $.objetoClonado = objetoClonado; = "move"; get( "sortDivisor" ).style.display = "inline"; get( "sortDivisor" ) = ( 22 + mapaN * 70 ) + "px"; } editor.sortDragDrop.terminar = function(){ var $ = editor.sortDragDrop; if( $.dragDroping ){ $.dragDroping = false; if( $.objetoClonado && $.objetoClonado.parentNode ){ get( "mapasBox" ).removeChild( $.objetoClonado ); } = ""; get( "sortDivisor" ).style.display = "none"; function cambiar( n1, n2 ){ var nB = editor.mapas[n1]; editor.mapas[n1] = editor.mapas[n2]; editor.mapas[n2] = nB; } while( $.mapaN != $.nuevaPosicion ){ if( $.mapaN < $.nuevaPosicion ){ cambiar( $.mapaN, $.mapaN + 1 ); $.mapaN++; } else{ if( $.mapaN - $.nuevaPosicion != 1 || ( $.nuevaPosicion == 0 && $.divisorTop != 92 ) ){ cambiar( $.mapaN, $.mapaN - 1 ); } $.mapaN--; } } escribirSort(); } } editor.sortDragDrop.actualizar = function( e ){ editor.aPM( e ); var $ = editor.sortDragDrop; var posy = editor.mouseY - $._mouseY - 65; $ = posy + "px"; var divisorTop = 22; var divisorTops = [ 22 ]; var top = 92; for( x = 0; x < editor.mapas.length; x++ ){ divisorTops.push( top ); top += 70; } for( x = 0; x < divisorTops.length; x++ ){ if( posy + 60 > divisorTops[x] ){ divisorTop = divisorTops[x]; $.divisorTop = divisorTop; $.nuevaPosicion = x ? x - 1 : x; } } get( "sortDivisor" ) = divisorTop + "px"; } function cargarConfig(){ editor.lugar = "configuracion"; get( "mapasBox" ).style.display = "none"; get( "mapasBoxTop" ).style.display = "none"; get( "configGeneral" ).style.display = "inline"; get( "configGeneralTop" ).style.display = "inline"; get( "configFormD4Inp" ).value = editor.config.monedas; get( "configFormD2Inp" ).value = editor.config.puntos; get( "configFormD6Inp" ).value = editor.config.vidas; } function salirConfig(){ editor.lugar = "mapasSort"; get( "mapasBox" ).style.display = "inline"; get( "mapasBoxTop" ).style.display = "inline"; get( "configGeneral" ).style.display = "none"; get( "configGeneralTop" ).style.display = "none"; } function configDone(){ editor.config.monedas = strToNum( get( "configFormD4Inp" ).value ); editor.config.puntos = strToNum( get( "configFormD2Inp" ).value ); editor.config.vidas = strToNum( get( "configFormD6Inp" ).value ); salirConfig(); } function editarMapa( mapaN ){ editor.lugar = "mapaEditar"; editor.mapaN = mapaN; get( "mapasBox" ).style.display = "none"; get( "mapasBoxTop" ).style.display = "none"; get( "mapaEdit" ).style.display = "inline"; get( "mapaEditTop" ).style.display = "inline"; get( "mapaEditTxt" ).innerHTML = ""; get( "mapaEditTxt" ).appendChild( escribir( "MAP " + editor.mapas[mapaN].nombre ) ); var array = [ ["editFormD1Inp", "EDIT SETTINGS"], ["editFormD2Inp", "EDIT MAP"], ["editFormD3Inp", "EDIT TUNNELS"], ["editFormDone1", "DONE"], ["editFormDone2", "DONE"], ["editFormD5", "NAME"], ["editFormD7", "TYPE"], ["editFormD9", "TIME"], ["ETcubos", "CUBES"], ["ETbichos", "MONSTERS"], ["ETfiguras", "BG IMAGES"], ["ETscroll", "SCROLL"], ["ETobjeto", "OBJECT"], ["cubosPTxt", "CUBE"], ["cubosPD1", "LEFT"], ["cubosPD3", "TOP"], ["cubosP2Txt", "CUBE"], ["cubosP2D1", "LEFT"], ["cubosP2D3", "TOP"], ["signoTxt", "SIGN"], ["signoD1", "LEFT"], ["signoD3", "TOP"], ["signoD5", "DROP"], ["signoD7", "VISIBLE"], ["signoD9", "SCORE"], ["signoD11", "TIME"], ["rompibleTxt", "CUBE"], ["rompibleD1", "LEFT"], ["rompibleD3", "TOP"], ["rompibleD5", "DROP"], ["rompibleD7", "VISIBLE"], ["rompibleD9", "SCORE"], ["rompibleD11", "TIME"], ["monedaTxt", "MONEY"], ["monedaD1", "LEFT"], ["monedaD3", "TOP"], ["monedaD5", "SCORE"], ["bichoTxt", "MONSTER"], ["bichoD1", "LEFT"], ["bichoD3", "TOP"], ["bichoD5", "SCORE"], ["tortugaTxt", "TURTLE"], ["tortugaD1", "LEFT"], ["tortugaD3", "TOP"], ["tortugaD5", "COLOR"], ["tortugaD7", "SCORE"], ["tuboTxt", "TUBE"], ["tuboD1", "LEFT"], ["tuboD3", "TOP"], ["tuboD5", "HEIGHT"], ["tuboD7", "TYPE"], ["tuboD9", "MONSTER"], ["figuraTxt", "BG IMAGE"], ["figuraD1", "LEFT"], ["figuraD3", "TOP"], ["figuraD5", "TYPE"], ["banderaTxt", "FLAG"], ["banderaD1", "LEFT"], ["banderaD3", "TOP"], ["barraTxt", "BARS"], ["barraD1", "LEFT"], ["barraD3", "DIR"] ] for( s = 0; s < array.length; s++ ){ get( array[s][0] ).innerHTML = ""; get( array[s][0] ).appendChild( escribir( array[s][1] ) ); } } function editarMapaDone(){ editor.lugar = "mapasSort"; get( "mapasBox" ).style.display = "inline"; get( "mapasBoxTop" ).style.display = "inline"; get( "mapaEdit" ).style.display = "none"; get( "mapaEditTop" ).style.display = "none"; escribirSort(); } function cargarConfigM(){ editor.lugar = "configuracionMapa"; get( "editForm1" ).style.display = "none"; get( "editForm2" ).style.display = "inline"; get( "editFormD6Inp" ).value = editor.mapas[editor.mapaN].nombre; get( "editFormD8Sel" ).value = editor.mapas[editor.mapaN].tipo; get( "editFormD10Inp" ).value = editor.mapas[editor.mapaN].tiempo; } function salirConfigM(){ editor.lugar = "mapaEditar"; var accept = true; var split = get( "editFormD6Inp" ).value.split( "" ); if( get( "editFormD6Inp" ).value.replace( / /g, "" ) == "" ){ accept = false; alert( "Please enter a name." ); } else{ for( j = 0; j < split.length; j++ ){ if( /([A-Z]|[a-x]|[0-9]|\-| )/.test( split[j] ) == false ){ accept = false; alert( "Name only can contain letters, numbers, - or space." ); break; } } } if( accept ){ editor.mapas[editor.mapaN].nombre = get( "editFormD6Inp" ).value.toUpperCase(); editor.mapas[editor.mapaN].tipo = Number( get( "editFormD8Sel" ).value ); editor.mapas[editor.mapaN].tiempo = strToNum( get( "editFormD10Inp" ).value ); get( "editForm1" ).style.display = "inline"; get( "editForm2" ).style.display = "none"; } } function strToNum( txt ){ if( !txt.length ){ return 0; } var split = txt.split( "" ); for( j = 0; j < split.length; j++ ){ if( /([0-9])/.test( split[j] ) == false ){ return 0; } } return parseInt( txt ); } function modificarMapa(){ editor.lugar = "mapaModificar"; var mapa = editor.mapas[editor.mapaN]; get( "mapaEdit" ).style.display = "none"; get( "mapaEditTop" ).style.display = "none"; get( "modificarMapaMenu" ).style.display = "inline"; get( "inicioE" ).style.left = "-385px"; get( "mapaMenuTxt" ).innerHTML = ""; get( "mapaMenuTxt" ).appendChild( escribir( "ADD OBJECT" ) ); contruirMapa( mapa, mapa.cubos, mapa.bichos, mapa.figuras ); get( "inicioE" ).style.backgroundColor = mapa.tipo == 1 ? "#5C94FC" : "#222"; get( "modificarMapaObjetos" ).style.width = ( mapa.largo * 32 ) + "px"; get( "modificarMapa" ).style.display = "inline"; get( "modificarMapa" ).scrollLeft = 0; editor.scroll.cargar( mapa ); cargarGrillas(); } function contruirMapa( mapa, cubos, bichos, figuras, clonado ){ for( v = 0; v < cubos.length; v++ ){ var $ = cubos[v]; var html = "
510 ){ $.left = 510 - $.largo; } get( "editorScroll" ).style.left = $.left + "px"; get( "modificarMapa" ).scrollLeft = ( $.left / 510 ) * ( ( editor.mapas[editor.mapaN].largo + 1 ) * 32 ); get( "grillaXT" ).scrollLeft = ( $.left / 510 ) * ( ( editor.mapas[editor.mapaN].largo + 1 ) * 32 ); } editor.scroll.terminar = function(){ var $ = editor.scroll; $.moviendo = false; } editor.dragDrop.objDown = function( tipo, n ){ if( editor.dragDrop.objA ){ = "none"; } = "move"; var mapa = editor.mapas[editor.mapaN]; var $ = editor.dragDrop; $.objA = tipo == "cubos" ? mapa.cubos[n] : ( tipo == "bichos" ? mapa.bichos[n] : mapa.figuras[n] ); var $$ = $.objA; $.dragDroping = true; var mouseX = editor.mouseX + 130 + get( "modificarMapa" ).scrollLeft; var mouseY = editor.mouseY; $.tipo = tipo; var n = $$.tipo == "tortuga" ? 32 : ( $$.tipo == "figura" ? -16 : 16 ); $._mouseX = mouseX - ( $$.left * 32 ); $._mouseY = mouseY - ( $$.top * 32 - n ); $$ = "none"; $.objetoClonado = $$.objeto.cloneNode( true ); $ = ".7"; $ = "alpha( opacity = 70 )"; $ = "15"; $.objetoClonado.removeChild( $.objetoClonado.firstChild ); $.objetoClonado2 = elemento( "div", { style : { position : "absolute", height : $$.height + "px", width : $$.width + "px", left : ( $$.left * 32 ) + "px", top : ( $$.top * 32 - ( $$.tipo == "figura" ? -16 : 16 ) ) + "px", backgroundColor : editor.mapas[editor.mapaN].tipo == 1 ? "#222" : "#79B8FD", zIndex : "14", //opacity : editor.mapas[editor.mapaN].tipo == 1 ? ".08" : ".25", //filter : editor.mapas[editor.mapaN].tipo == 1 ? "alpha( opacity = 8 )" : "alpha( opacity = 25 )", opacity : "0", filter : "alpha( opacity = 0 )", border : editor.mapas[editor.mapaN].tipo == 1 ? "1px solid #79B8FD" : "1px solid #5C94FC" } }, get( "modificarMapa" ) ); get( "modificarMapa" ).appendChild( $.objetoClonado ); } editor.dragDrop.actualizar = function( e ){ editor.aPM( e ); if( editor.mouseX + 130 > 478 ){ editor.scroll.left += ( editor.mouseX + 130 - 478 ) / 10; editor.scroll.actualizar( editor.scroll.left ); } if( editor.mouseX + 130 < 32 ){ editor.scroll.left -= ( ( editor.mouseX + 130 - 32 ) * -1 ) / 10; editor.scroll.actualizar( editor.scroll.left ); } var $ = editor.dragDrop; var $$ = $.objA; var posY = editor.mouseY - $._mouseY; var posX = editor.mouseX - $._mouseX + 130 + get( "modificarMapa" ).scrollLeft; var n = $$.tipo == "tortuga" ? 32 : ( $$.tipo == "figura" ? -16 : 16 ); $ = posX + "px"; $ = posY + "px"; $ = ( Math.round( posX / 32 ) * 32 ) + "px"; $ = ( Math.round( ( posY + n ) / 32 ) * 32 - n ) + "px"; } editor.dragDrop.terminar = function( e ){ = ""; var mapa = editor.mapas[editor.mapaN]; var $ = editor.dragDrop; var $$ = $.objA; $.dragDroping = false; var left = parseInt( $ ); var top = parseInt( $ ); if( ctr || $.clonar ){ $.clonar = false; var nuevoObjeto = {}; for( var p in $$ ){ if( p.indexOf( "objeto" ) == -1 ){ nuevoObjeto[p] = $$[p]; } } switch( $$.tipo ){ default: mapa.cubos.push( nuevoObjeto ); contruirMapa( mapa, [nuevoObjeto], [], [], true ); break; case "bicho": case "tortuga": mapa.bichos.push( nuevoObjeto ); contruirMapa( mapa, [], [nuevoObjeto], [], true ); break; case "figura": mapa.figuras.push( nuevoObjeto ); contruirMapa( mapa, [], [], [nuevoObjeto], true ); break; } $$ = nuevoObjeto; $.objA = $$; } $$ = left + "px"; $$ = top + "px"; $$.left = left / 32; $$.top = ( top + ( $$.tipo == "figura" ? -16 : 16 ) ) / 32; $ = "inline"; $ = "inline"; get( "modificarMapa" ).removeChild( $.objetoClonado ); get( "modificarMapa" ).removeChild( $.objetoClonado2 ); get( "objetoInfo" + editor.objetoInfo ).style.display = "none"; editor.objetoInfo = $$.tipo; get( "objetoInfo" + editor.objetoInfo ).style.display = "block"; switch( $$.tipo ){ case "cubosP": get( "cubosPD2Inp" ).value = $$.left; get( "cubosPD4Inp" ).value = $$.top; break; case "cubosP2": get( "cubosP2D2Inp" ).value = $$.left; get( "cubosP2D4Inp" ).value = $$.top; break; case "signo": get( "signoD2Inp" ).value = $$.left; get( "signoD4Inp" ).value = $$.top; get( "signoD6Sel" ).value = $$.drop; get( "signoD8Sel" ).value = $$.invisible; get( "signoD10Inp" ).value = $$.puntos; get( "signoD12Inp" ).value = $$.tiempo; break; case "rompible": get( "rompibleD2Inp" ).value = $$.left; get( "rompibleD4Inp" ).value = $$.top; get( "rompibleD6Sel" ).value = $$.drop; get( "rompibleD8Sel" ).value = $$.invisible; get( "rompibleD10Inp" ).value = $$.puntos; get( "rompibleD12Inp" ).value = $$.tiempo; break; case "moneda": get( "monedaD2Inp" ).value = $$.left; get( "monedaD4Inp" ).value = $$.top; get( "monedaD6Inp" ).value = $$.puntos; break; case "bicho": get( "bichoD2Inp" ).value = $$.left; get( "bichoD4Inp" ).value = $$.top; get( "bichoD6Inp" ).value = $$.puntos; break; case "tortuga": get( "tortugaD2Inp" ).value = $$.left; get( "tortugaD4Inp" ).value = $$.top + 0.5; get( "tortugaD6Sel" ).value = $$.tipoT; get( "tortugaD8Inp" ).value = $$.puntos; break; case "tubo": get( "tuboD2Inp" ).value = $$.left; get( "tuboD4Inp" ).value = $$.top; get( "tuboD6Inp" ).value = $$.alto; get( "tuboD8Sel" ).value = $$.tipoT; get( "tuboD10Sel" ).value = $$.bicho ? 1 : 0; break; case "figura": get( "figuraD2Inp" ).value = $$.left; get( "figuraD4Inp" ).value = $$.top; get( "figuraD6Sel" ).value = $$.tipoT; break; case "bandera": get( "banderaD2Inp" ).value = $$.left; get( "banderaD4Inp" ).value = $$.top; break; case "barra": get( "barraD2Inp" ).value = $$.left; get( "barraD4Sel" ).value = $$.direccion ? 1 : 0; break; } $$ = "1px solid #CCC"; } function cargarGrillas(){ var mapa = editor.mapas[editor.mapaN]; var html = ""; for( g = 0; g < 15; g++ ){ html += "
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